Who Attends TCT 3Sixty
Who Attends TCT 3Sixty?
The UK is an important market for 3D printing and additive manufacturing and with our market development strategy, TCT 3Sixty attracts a great quality, influential audience from purchasing directors at blue chip companies to entrepreneurs at start-ups.
TCT 3Sixty creates an exciting, engaging and useful experience for the prospective visitor, leading to more of them attending for longer and offering you, the exhibitor, greater commercial opportunities.

What type of attendee visits TCT 3Sixty?
TCT 3Sixty has attracted larger numbers of attendees than events in much bigger manufacturing economies for some time....
However, it is not just about being one of the biggest shows, TCT 3Sixty is focused on developing a real understanding, at all levels of industry, of the potential of additive manufacturing and 3D printing.
These percentages show the breakdown of the 2024 attendees, demonstrating that our visitors are at different stages of the adoption path, and they represent real opportunity for business.
TCT 3Sixty targets three distinct group of attendees at different of the buying cycle.
These attendees are at the start of their additive manufacturing and 3D printing journey. As an exhibitor you have the perfect opportunity to shape their thinking, open their eyes with amazing applications and transition them from evaluation evaluator to buyer.
These attendees are equipment buyers; they have identified their application and now need to assess, evaluate and proceed to making an investment. Making the right choice here is critical for return on their investment and adoption in the enterprise.
TCT 3Sixty will offer multiple routes for existing users to get the best out of their equipment, encouraging use of existing latent capacity with application inspiration from our exhibitors. Equally these attendees are ready their use, with new technology investment
additional machines purchases and deeper integration into their enterprises to really capitalise on the potential technology.
Book Your Stand
Secure your spot at TCT 3Sixty 2025. Showcase your solutions and innovations, and connect with the Additive industry.